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Antonella Trombetta


Hi, I'm Antonella Trombetta

born on 7 September 1963 in the province of Brescia, married to Lorenzo and Leonardo's mother.

Sono Naturopath Specialized in Psychosomatics and Vibrational Medicine, Holistic Personal Trainer, Reiki Master  and Natural Channeler.

My professionalism comes from my natural predisposition to the empathic relationship, to listening, to the strong intuition, sensitivity and sensitivity that has pushed me, from beyond 25 years, to deepen issues related to the personal and spiritual growth of person and to train myself as a consultant and trainer  in the field of psycho-physical well-being.

My training path:

  • Naturopath with Specialization in Psychosomatics, Diploma obtained at the Riza Institute of Psychosomatic Medicine in Milan, Verona office.

  • Holistic Personal Trainer PTO, national diploma recognized by CONI at CSEN - Milan.

  • Master in Regressive Hypnosis to Previous Lives-Regression Techniques, at Past Life Regression School Antonio Valmaggia, Varese office.

  • Quantic Power ® I-II-III level certificate  Giohà Giordano medium, lightworker, channel of Light, founder shaman of  Giohà Giordano Academy - Ostia Roma

  • Quantic Power ® Certified Trainer  Giohà Giordano

  • Quantic Power ® Certified Operator_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

  • Practitioner Shamanism 5.0 ®

  • Facilitator in Family Constellations with Imaginal Approach e in Transgenerational Psychogenealogy  e in Transgenerational Psychogenealogy _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf of the company Nonterapia - CH

  • Reiki Master gained at the Italian school Komyo Reiki Kai in Brescia with teacher Chiara Grandi.

  • Master Channeling  awarded in Turin at Associazione Joana DBNE and Assoc.CRIS with C. Gugliotta based on the teachings of Barbara Brennan.

  • Diploma of Akashic Records Reader, obtained at the Academy and School of Metaphysics 'Il Fiore della Vita' - accredited by the World Metaphysical Association and by the Accreditation Council of Holistic Healers.

  • I and II level Diploma in Flower Therapy, Italian Bach Flower Operator Flos Animi with the researcher Dr. Giovanna Tolio - Zetaciesse Mi

  • I level in Vibrational Technique EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)  Technique of Emotional Freedom at the Brescia office of EFT-ITALIA with Andrea Fredi.

Paths of Deepening of Mediumship and Shamanism:

  • Intensive Courses of Development and Deepening Shamanism and Mediumship with the lightworker teacher, shaman Giohà Giordano - by Giohà Giordano Academy a_cc781Milan

  • Courses of Development and Deepening of Shamanic Yoga and Imaginal Approach with the shaman teacher and writer Selene Calloni Williams - Nontherapy Ch

  • Advanced theoretical and practical courses of Psychic and Medianic Development "Evidence of Life Beyond Life" and development of Paranormal skills  with English mediums Paul Jacobs, Andy Byng and Italian medium Biagio Tropeano (spiritualist teachers of Arthur Findlay Stansted College - England and House of Spirit in Hanover Germany)   at: -Associaz. The Arc en ciel in Bologna and -Monastero De Zwannenhof in Zenderen Holland

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