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Individual coaching

Individual meetings held by Giohà Giordano are also part of the Academy's activities .

The sittings, lasting about an hour, are of a metapsychic nature and do not involve the exercise of medical or psychotherapeutic actions. Giohà Giordano's long training is, in fact, the result of constant research on how to use one's talents as a tool of help and support for others.

The sittings provide an integrated and personalized use of helping relationship techniques that also derive from his professional training as a certified Coach.

We report below some of the moments that characterize the encounters with Giohà, specifying that all individual meetings are channeled and customized according to the needs of the individual and, therefore, one or more types of those listed below may be present in the same meeting.

All the techniques practiced become a means to let go of fears, transform weaknesses into strengths, recognize one's qualities and talents. Furthermore, the use of Giohà Giordano's Quantic Power ® technique allows you to speed up all the awakening processes and experience the wonder immediately. Giohà Giordano applies this technique, channeled and recorded by her, both in individual sessions, both in mediumistic evenings and in seminars and circles of power conducted by her.

These are real Holistic Coaching sessions enhanced with Giohà Giordano's Quantic Power®

Holding Plant


Quantic Power® by Giohà Giordano is an energetic technique channeled and recorded by Giohà Giordano, which is based on the encounter between the client's theme and the excellent possibilities of the Quantum Field. It is dedicated to those who have the desire to explore and get to know themselves by reactivating their talents. This technique proposes to reset the old world, to let go of all the beliefs that have weighed down the journey since birth and to start a new life starting from the material body and the connective that represents the first contact with ourselves.


In consideration of the metapsychic character of the encounters, outcrops of past lives and manifestations of karmic aspects may occur which are processed with the help of the Guides and Masters. Everything that is in the individual baggage of the person emerges and through the use of hypnosis techniques, energetic, shamanic and time circle techniques we work so that knots, memories, traumas, beliefs are resolved. The client participates consciously in a state of presence and in many cases relives the past experience in a lucid and conscious way.
The sitting determines a concrete change in the client's life, also witnessed by the positive feedbacks and testimonies that we usually receive in the days following the sessions.


The Master Runes are powerful keys of connection and interpretation, but also ancient Archetypes that bring man back to his ancestral truths. The Master Runes heal, discover talents, show the way and their interpretation represents a personal interpretation of the client.
Through Giohà Giordano's clairvoyance, the reading of the Master Runes tells the past, as personal baggage, the present as a responsible choice, the future as a window on multiple opportunities and time windows.

In addition to the Runes, Giohà uses numerous other Oracles (Caffeomancy, Egyptian Tarot, Celtic Divination, Hand Reading, Oinomancy), in the quantum interpretation of Optimal Possibility.

To these sitting is added a particular technique of sports coaching: PERSONAL HORSE COACHING. Click here to find out more.

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