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Curriculum vitae

Giohà Giordano

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Giohà Giordano, born in Foggia on November 6, 1958, lives in Santa Marinella in the Province of Rome.

Giohà has been a medium since birth and this allowed her to explore the invisible world and experience the phenomenon, later her exploratory nature led her from a young age to deal with the fantastic Quantum World experimenting with communication with many realities. invisible to the human eye but real in their world. Thanks to a long personal and professional study she has become a certified Holistic Trainer, Coach and Hypnologist.

She is a teacher of art and an inspired painter since she was a child, for Giohà channeled art is a means of healing for human disharmony; his works become mantras, painted symbols and archetypes, connecting keys that help awaken spiritual and personal talents.

  • April 2018 Member of the Global Woman Club Milan

  • Mediumship of the Quantum by Giohà Giordano, trademark registered at the UIBM on 22 September 2017

  • December 2017, collaboration as a trainer with The Monroe Institute for the Going Home course

  • Mediumship of the Quantum by Giohà Giordano, trademark registered at the UIBM on 22 September 2017

  • April 2017, Founding Partner and trainer of Giohà Giordano Academy srls

  • October 2016, Quantic Power® energy technique registered

  • Nice, France, July 2016, Professional Master in PNL3 and Hypnosis, NeurolinguisticInstitutdelDr Marco Paret

  • Italy, January 2016 Practicioner Matrix 2-point

  • Ravenna, September 2015, I and II and III level Matrix 2 Point with Andrea Rommel.

  • Zwanenhof, House of Spirit, August 2015, advanced level experiential internship with Paul Jacobs.

  • Stansted Hall - UK, March 2015, advanced level experiential internship with Steven Upton at The Arthur Findlay College

  • Rome, 2013, Master NLP3 and Coach Life plus Master of Hypnosis with Dr. Marco Paret.

  • Rimini, 2013, Prometeo Coaching with certified life and sports address.

  • Turin, 2012, Master Four Voices Color by Ciro Imparato.

  • Turin, 2012 Practitioner of advanced Phosphenism.

  • In 2011 his SalutoGenesis techniques were registered and protected under their “Genesis®” trademark.

  • Holistic Operator level Trainer, Coach, certified by the Italian Society SIAF

  • Certified facilitator of "Family Constellations" of the Non-Therapy School and of the AISCON agency.

  • Riccione February 2011 “Spiritual self-hypnosis”; with Dr. Roy Martina and Joey Martina.

  • Practive Building with Danny Dubrin, Doug De Vito and PatAtanas.

  • Riccione, November 2010 The Mastery Conference: for further information on Reconnection studies with the speakers: Lynne Mc Taggart; Doctors JJ and DesireeHurtak; Damion and KathrinBrinkley; KostantinKorotkov; Dr. RaimondMoody; Dr. Roy Martina; Doug De Vito; Dr. Eric Pearl.

  • Rome, 2010 EFT - EmotionalFreedomTechniques with teacher Nadia Ligato.

  • Level III The Reconnection®, with the same teachers as the two previous levels.

  • Riccione, March 2010 Level I / II: The ReconnectiveHealing®; with Dr. Eric Pearl, Helen Parsons and PatAtanas.

  • Operator certified by Dr. Eric Pearl for the "The Reconnection®" method

  • Giohà studied the Art of Tarot as a way of inner harmonization according to the method of Alejandro Jodorowsky.

  • He is a Theta Healing practitioner.

  • Cranio Sacral Operator, method of the Upledger Academy.

  • He perfected his shamanic training with BholaNathBanstola (Nepalese shamanism) and later with Fabrizio Caspani of the Lorenza Menegoni School, Russian shamanism at the Orphic International Academy and last but not least the experience with Marie NoelleUrech; Itzhak Berry.

  • 1995 he experienced Rebirthing and practiced ReikiRealRadianceTechnique I, II and III level.

  • 1990 he obtained the level of Reiki Master according to the UsuiShikiRyoho method

  • In 1981 he entered and served as a medium in the Hope Movement

She works in Italy and abroad as a Medium, Trainer, Holistic and Transformational Coach and Hypnologist.

ARTISTIC Curriculum

Since she was a child she felt the attraction for the artistic activity to which she dedicated herself with great passion, obtaining the diploma of Master of Art.

He has been a member of various artistic associations.

In the course of his activity he has exhibited a substantial production through numerous collective and personal exhibitions including, in particular, more recently: exhibitions dedicated to San Pio da Pietralcina in the months of June and September 1996 in S. Giovanni Rotondo and in the month of January 1998 in Padua, S. Prosdocimo, at the same time as the first catalog-libretto is published; exhibition dedicated to the Virgin in Padua, S. Prosdocimo, in February 1999.

In 1999 he illustrated two books of the Alpha Dimension Vita Publishing House: “The book of life” and “The book of the new era”.

From 2000 to 2004 he held three personal exhibitions: “La Signora degli Angeli”, in January 2001, dedicated to the Jubilee of 2000, at the Province of Rome, in the Palazzo Valentini, commissioned by the Province itself; “I am the door”, in the months of December 2002-January 2003, at the Basilica of S. Croce in Gerusalemme in Rome; "The enchanted world of Giohà", from 9 to 21 September 2003, at the Museo del Vittoriano in Rome. " Ave Maria"; itinerant exhibition of sacred art, 2004, at the Basilica of Santa Maria in Montesanto (Church of the Artists), in Rome.

In 2004 he participated in two group exhibitions: one in February at the “International Artexpo” in New York and one in March at the “Salon d'Art Mediterranee 2004” in Cannes.

In 2005 he participated in the “Premio Primavera 2005” exhibition at the Eustachi Gallery in Milan, obtaining the prize for the best figure and in the “Premio Primavera 2005” exhibition at the ARPI 74 Association in Foggia; he participated in the “City of Porto Sant'Elpidio Award” promoted by the “La Tavolozza” Gallery; he participated in a group exhibition at the “Il Collezionista” Gallery in Rome and in the “XXX Rassegna d'Arte La Telaccia” competition in Turin; he held two mini-personal exhibitions at the same time at the “La Telaccia” Galleries in Turin and “Modigliani” in Milan; he held the personal "Emotions" at the Basilica of Santa Maria in Monte Santo, Church of the Artists in Rome from 11 to 29 June; he held the personal “The Etruscans seen by Giohà”, at the “Il Conservatorio” Association in Civitavecchia, from October 16 to November 12; participated in the collective exhibition "Comparing Art in the Slovak Republic" at the Merum Gallery in Bratislava, from 7 October 2005 to 31 January 2006.

From 15 to 20 July 2007 he held a personal with the "International Academy of Dioscuri" in Greece in the city of Corfu. From 30 June to 6 July he exhibited in Taormina with the “Centro Diffusione Arte Boè”. In October 2007: he participated in the “Giovanni Olindo” International Art Award; he held in Lucca, at the GioArt Gallery, the personal exhibition: "The window on the world of Giohà"; participated with Leonardo Da Vinci, Artist In The World, in the collective of contemporary art at the Museo del Vittoriano in Rome.

In 2007 he held the mini-staff "Natale 2007" at the Telaccia Gallery and the solo show "From sign to word" at the "Details" bookshop in Civitavecchia, (RM). ° Eiffel Paris International Trophy ”, ranking 7th out of 2500 participants.

In 2008 she participated with EmmediArte in the “Olindo International Competition” Centro Gerandi in Asti, ranked 12th. June 2009 personal exhibition “One Man Exbilition Art” with Thomas Charles Gallery, United States of America.

In May 2011 he participated in the third edition: "Roberta's smile" for Unicef.

He wrote and illustrated the fable “The golden cocoon”, published with his artistic supervision by the Municipality of Santa Marinella (RM).

His works have had a national diffusion and some of them have also met with appreciation in the United States, Switzerland and Greece.

She was awarded the title of Academician by the “Greci-Marino” International Academy.

She was awarded the title of actual Academician by the Theatine Academy for Sciences.

The “Salvador Dalì” prize was awarded to her by the International Academy of Dioscuri.

She was awarded the title of Academician of the International Academy of the Mycenaeans.

“City of New York” Award January 2010, 27th place prize for the exhibition of the work “La Verità” at the Tuillier Art Gallery in Paris.

About her have written, among others: Paola Maritan; Manuela Pompas; Claudio Strinati; Alessandro Nicosia; Salvatore Perdicaro; Stefania Severi; Carla Marino; Isabella Convertino; Marie Noelle Urech; Sandro Serradifalco; Giancarlo Alù; Josè Van Roy Dalì.

She is a member of FIDAPA (Italian Federation of Women Arts Professions Business), District Center, Section of Civitavecchia.

April 2018 Member of the Global Woman Club Milan

He is Academic of Merit of the “Norman Academy”, the international association for art, literature, humanism and the defense of human rights in the world, recognized by the State of Florida-USA and the Republic of Gambia.


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