Giohà Giordano Academy presents a cycle of experiential workshops and shamanic circles led by the Lightworker Giohà Giordano.
The way of the White Dragon:
The Four Sacred Elements in the
Via Shamanica
The first four evening events are dedicated to "The Way of the White Dragon:
The Four Sacred Elements in the Shamanic Way "
The four Sacred Elements are, for man, the pillars of a personal work towards an extraordinary world. This is the beginning of a shamanic journey: The way of the White Dragon.
Active and experiential meditation through sounds, rhythms and songs. Giohà Giordano will use all these elements to interact with the participants leading them to a higher state of understanding and awareness. The Runes will strengthen the Dragon's action.
At each meeting a circle of healing and awareness will be created, recalling the Element, the Dragon that represents it and the Action of the Runes that strengthens it.
DraGo Of The Earth
Element of all nature, in its three mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms, to honor them and work together to search for the seven caves of power, to explore oneself.
Dragon Air
A sensitive element of invisible life is communication, inspiration.
Water Dragon
Vital element, from which everything is born, the womb and the source of nourishment and purification. The fusion of being in other mansions, the lucid dream.
Fire Dragon
Element of the Sun, of immortality and of transformation.
Metaphony Laboratory
An afternoon of work together with Giohà Giordano to experience contact with the invisible world through the Metaphony.
The unique feature of every meeting with Giohà Giordano is the naturalness with which everything takes place, as the Masters want, in joy and alliance.
Mediumship of the Quantum: who is Listening?
A special evening with Giohà Giordano, dedicated to the Mediumship of Quantum and al
Quantic Power.
During the meeting Giohà channels the messages of the Spirit World for the participants, and demonstrates his innovative Quantic Power technique, to manifest
the excellent chance.