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Stefania Bosi

In 2019 I met Giohà Giordano , and from the beginning I understood the potential of his training courses and in particular of Quantic Power , his extraordinary quantum technique.

Become a Quantic Power ® Operator , a Practitioner of Shamanism 5.0 and a Certified Quantic Power ® Trainer Giohà Giordano, deepen Shamanism by integrating it with Quantum Physics, Neuroscience, the Collective Unconscious, TCM, Integrated Medicine, Coaching and many other energy techniques and holistic, it allows me to experience the Wonder every day!

For me it was very natural to integrate all this into my personal and professional daily life.

I believe in the importance of research and training, which I continue with interest and enthusiasm: I am in fact continuing to deepen specialization courses related to the techniques I love most, such as Quantic Power, Tong Ren, Skull Sacral, Teatro in Gioco and I started the Intuitive Painting training as a Facilitator and Master of Soul Color (Marianne Cordier).

I practice individual and group Energy Rebalancing treatments, both personal and at a distance for everyone - "human beings" - but also for our Animal Friends; I also conduct Group Growth workshops for adults and children.


I started my research and training path in energy practices in 1994 with Reiki for personal and family needs; practicing and deepening it I discovered my passion for body and energy techniques in helping relationships with others.

From that moment on I have continued the research with Wonder in everything that can nourish personal growth in contact with one's true Essence!


After doing a job as a foreign trade technician for years, I became a scientific informant in the integrated medicine sector and organizer of holistic events in the context of Well-Being in collaboration with various associations (non-profit, sports, cultural and trade fair) involving professionals of national and international fame, until in 2012 my body started talking to me so loud that I had to stop and listen to it: the signal was clear, I had to change jobs ... So, I looked around to identify a new path of personal growth , which, it was already evident, would become my new job: the Holistic Counselor, a job as a facilitator of the helping relationship to favor the process of change, awareness and growth of the person, through an experiential and creative path. Right from the start, I fell in love with the method of global approach to the person, of being able to welcome them with neutrality, in an environment without judgment, and in full Active Listening.

So my Passion became my Work!


In 2016 and 2017 I studied the Tong Ren technique (a method that integrates TCM - in particular tuina and acupuncture, neuroscience, quantum physics, collective unconscious and various other energy techniques) and Cranio Sacral therapy (a technique that has evolved and revolutionized osteopathy cranial, integrating the somato-emotional release), becoming Tong Ren Operator and Cranio Sacral Operator, to be able to accompany my mother on her healing path through rebirth. It was a very exciting experience for me, which prompted me to make national and international specialization training trips, to then put into practice both on a professional, family and personal level what I learned.


In 2017 in full alliance with my wise Body, I chose to enhance the expressive and creative freedom of my inner child Lys allowing her to express herself also at a working level, so I became Tata Lys Itinerant animator of children's parties and subsequently in 2019 Theater Operator Theater in Play (Helga Dentale method): I still conduct theater and body expressiveness workshops for children and teenagers.


I have been practicing Yoga since 2004 and over the years I have then integrated with Health Qi Gong, Taiji, Insany-T and theatrical improvisation.


I enjoy researching and listening to music of particular frequencies, playing musical instruments (such as shamanic drum, harmonic tuning forks, Tibetan bell, handpan, ocean drum, rain stick, etc.) and "playing" with re-harmonization instruments such as crystals, symbols archaic (including also runes, major arcana, geomantic symbols, Quantic Power symbols etc.), vibrational and energetic re-harmonization tools (such as orgone accumulator, orgone, Q4, piezoelectric plates, shungite carpet, olom, etc.) radiesthesia and radionics (instruments and symbols of radionics).

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