Anime encounters
Giohà Giordano Academy presents a new project,
an agency of meaning dedicated to the rediscovery of relationships and the meeting of souls.
This new agency of meaning deals with people, with relationships, starting with the most important step: falling in love with oneself in order to love others.
Love, friendship, new encounters and old relationships to be renewed and rediscovered through the great beauty of uniqueness.
Incontri di Anime will consist of activities, initiatives, moments of socializing and sharing, with the aim of being a concrete support for a path of inner rebirth.
Giohà Giordano, Alessia Marchione, Loretta Ianiro, Federico Gambini, a quantum team ready to show the excellent opportunity for each of you!
For the organization of all our activities and to make each event unique and unforgettable we can count on the partnership of excellent structures and professionals.